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Dating for sex with experienced girls from 20 years

Отправитель: Аноним  Отправлено: 10.07.2020 6:14:58

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Jeez – is there ANYBODY here with a sweet love story about a 50-something guy dating a nice 50-something lady? Why are all the 20-something female exceptions trying to justify the trend — to encourage older guys to creep on college girls? To tell men to just go for it and keep ignoring all the perfectly great women over age 29 like they are trash? And you young ladies marrying these older men–you think he’s not going to leave you, too, once you reach a certain age?? I guess men don’t go for women their age after all! Too bad women live longer than men…it would probably be more humane if women just croaked on their 40th birthdays because it looks like they are all doomed to die alone of bed sores in nursing homes. Thanks, men, for sticking around and taking care of us ladies in our old age (not!). So much for “growing old together.” Till death do us part…LIES!
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